Thursday, November 18, 2010

19th Annual Images of the Virgin Exhibit

I thought I would be more efficient keeping everyone updated on the Gallery's news and events. Time just slips by. This next exhibit opens on Friday, but we still have a few missing art pieces. That's okay though because we had a lot of artists submit work to this juried exhibit. The art ranges from very conservative (traditional) to abstract. Every year it is a surprise what is submitted, but always make a delightful experience.

We just completed our Dia de los Muertos art show. We got a lot of good feedback on the art and it was a fun show to sponsor. We would like some ideas for future juried shows, so if you have a favorite theme, let us know. One artist from New York suggested birds and butterflies. That would be a fun theme. I just saw the most wonderful fluorescent green humming bird in our yard today. I wish I had my camera right then.

Save December 11 for our artists reception for the Images of the Virgin. It will be free to the public and held from 5 - 7 p.m. at our gallery at 115 Third Street, San Juan Bautista. See you all there.

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